May 10-11, 2022
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Add your voice to the open source conversation

Create your own adventure at Red Hat Summit
You can take advantage of multiple ways to participate in the premier open source technology event, which features an accessible and inclusive format geared to IT leaders and professionals around the world. With sessions, live Q&As, and networking, this year’s event is designed to give you the tools you need to help define the future of open technology—as well as the flexibility needed to choose the topics most relevant to your business challenges.
Featured speakers
Red Hat Summit 2022 will showcase executives and open source leaders sharing present trends and shaping future directions. Stay tuned for more speaker announcements as we approach our event kickoff.

Uncover all that Red Hat Summit 2021
had to offer
See highlights from last year’s event
You can take advantage of multiple ways to participate in the premier open source technology event, which features an accessible and inclusive format geared to IT leaders and professionals around the world. With sessions, live Q&As, and networking, this year’s event is designed to give you the tools you need to help define the future of open technology—as well as the flexibility needed to choose the topics most relevant to your business challenges.
Award-winning attendees
Red Hat Summit 2021 Virtual Experience gave us the opportunity to recognize companies that lead by example.