Migrating From On-Prem to a Modern Cloud Data Lake

Simply moving an on-prem data lake to the cloud doesn’t make it “modern.” Check out this…

11 Best Practices for Migrating to a Cloud Data Lake

Do you find yourself tempted to switch your on-premises data lakes to the cloud? Despite the…

Flügger: Painting a B2B buying experience to meet new expectations

När Flügger inledde en resa för att öka digitaliseringen av deras värdekedja fanns det många pusselbitar…

Webbinar: Ett Röda Korset på nätet

Ökat engagemang i alla kanaler Lyssna till Röda Korsets berättelse om hur de med begränsade resurser,…

Hur mår Sveriges webbplatser

Trendrapporten ”Hur mår Sveriges webbplatser?” tar varje år tempen på utvecklingen av av Sveriges webbplatser. Hur…


Depuis 2018, le RGPD nous accompagne au jour le jour dans nos efforts de protection des…

STL Partners Research Report: Cloud Native for Telco

Sponsored by Oracle STL Partners set out to explore the question “What does cloud native networking…

Omdia Analyst Report: Converged Policy in 5G

Sponsored by Oracle Over the last year, there was a notable uptick in momentum for converged…


Learn how businesses are succeeding in the new world of digital experiences Pivots made today will…

Retail Finance Transformation Why Businesses Can not Afford to Wait

Retail finance can’t depend on manual systems and processes in a time of unpredictable revenue, demand,…